
Pathos e ironia in costume
by Carlo Traini

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Project Description

Promenade, pathos e ironia in costume

A book by Carlo Traini
Edited by Loredana De Pace

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

It’s summer 2020: every morning Italian photographer Carlo Traini goes to the beach and always meets the same people wearing the same mental costumes – or rather, changing them every day.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

Traini captures with his smartphone the human lyricism that encompasses the irony and thoughts of its protagonists, and manages to convey all these complex emotions in each and every one of his shots. This relationship therefore represents the origin of this editorial project, titled: Promenade, pathos e ironia in costume”.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

The author knows how to patiently observe (as he always does), and this allows him to catch at the same time both human pathos and the ironic flair shattering the fabric of what is known, opening itself for the unknown.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

Promenade is composed of four chapters – Corpi e rivoluzioni, Ironia e allegrezza, Gesti di genti, Centro – and sums up Carlo Traini’s caring inspirations, addressing the complexity of human nature.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

Promenade is the piece of the puzzle needed to focus the value of remembrance on the imperceptible, in order to survive the indifference of time that dulls every emotion.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

The nature of Carlo Traini‘s pictures requires them to be placed in the humanistic realm of photography.

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

In the end, what makes them extraordinary is the symbiotic relationship between the reasons behind the author’s shots and his own ability to redefine beauty as a concept.”

Promenade - Carlo Traini - Crowdbooks Publishing

Book Specifications

Language:Italiano, English
ISBN: 9788885608573
Category: Libri fotografici, Racconti Fotografici

Author Informations

NameCarlo Traini
Country Italia

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