Project Description
This new documentary and artistic project of the Collective Argos aims to draw a human portrait of France by involving the public. After “Climate refugees”, republished in 2010, “Gueule d’Hexagone” is a collection of a photographs and texts selection, the fruit of our long-term reports produced between 2010 and 2011 in six municipalities of France. Many stories talking about the specificity of each region, its connection to the world and daily life of their habitants.
The synopsis
From our investigations and our meetings six local issues but with global importance have emerged : de-industrialization in Charmes (Vosges), solidarity between players in Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhone); gentrification of inner cities in Marseille (Bouches-du Rhone) sustainable food Plozévet to (Finistere South) identity in Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) and communitarianism in Sarcelles (Val d’Oise).
The approach
Each of the six chapters is introduced by a photograph of Jacques Windenberger, whose work, almost half century old, is the starting point of our documentary. This photojournalist is the author of an innovative method called “information – participation”: the primary beneficiaries are those who make the object of these reportages. Since its real beginning, “Gueule d’Hexagone” is a participative project : from our decision to begin the work only once we were on the ground, or our writing and photography workshops to the launch of our interactive blog. We held two meetings with the public, one before starting our investigations and a second one at the end of our work. This was a real chance, each time we could submit for review to different groups our selection of images and stories, our choice of narration and the perspective we decided to work with.
Our motto is: journalism as a tool for democracy.